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YlangYlang Oil

YlangYlang Oil

Ylang-ylang oil is extracted from the plant Саnаngа оdоrаtа vаr. Gеnuіnа from the family Аnоnасеае. This extremely aromatic essential oil has a strong relaxing effect on the mind and body and is used for frigidity and impotency. It has a wonderful balancing and stimulating effect on the skin, corrects the production of sebum and stimulated the growth of hair.

Ylang-ylang is a tropical tree which reaches a height of up to 20 meters. The tree has tender and aromatic, pink, purple or yellow flowers and can be found on the islands of java, Sumatra, Madagascar and Comorian islands. Ylang-ylang oil has an exotic, sweet smell and is light yellow.

Emotional and spiritual application of ylang-ylang oil

It relieves anger, rage, depression, insomnia, tension, stress, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, shock and panic. It relaxes the nervous system.